About Us

The SMIS-English Saturday School offers children ages four to elementary school sixth grade an exciting opportunity to receive an outstanding all day international school English immersion education while attending a Japanese preschool or elementary school Monday-Friday.

The SIMS-English Saturday School follows a highly structured curriculum that develops students’ English skills through a combination of challenging English academics and practical, hands-on English learning taught by highly qualified and experienced native teachers.  This provides Saturday School students with a strong academic English skills and advanced speaking, listening and comprehension skills.  Saturday School students gain the confidence to use English in academic and every day settings, and upon graduation many SMIS-English Saturday School students enter international junior high schools or study overseas.

The SMIS-English Saturday School follows the Japanese school calendar with three terms of 12, 12 and 10 weeks.  The SMIS-English Saturday School is currently accepting applications, but spaces are limited.  To learn more about the SMIS-English Saturday School, see the school and have your child experience Saturday School classes make a reservation to see our school.

Email: saturdayschool@smis-mail.org

Telephone: (078)221-8028

About SMIS-English

SMIS-English is an international school in every way; a vibrant English language school in the heart of Kobe that develops internationally-minded global leaders of the future.

Our Mission

The vision and mission of SMIS-English in Kobe focuses on providing a high-quality education that prepares students for academic success and personal growth.

Core Beliefs

SMIS-English aims to instill in its students a sense of responsibility and respect for others, as well as to promote a strong sense of community among students, staff, and families.

Pupil Care

By incorporating the latest technology and information into its educational approach, SMIS-English is helping its students develop a strong foundation for success in the digital age.