4 Feb Saturday School

Dear Saturday School Parents,

Good afternoon and welcome to week five of the SMIS-English Saturday School spring term. I hope you and your children are having an amazing week and are staying warm and healthy in this cold weather.

This week there are a few reminders. First, I am attaching a photo of items left at Saturday School during this term. If any of these items belong to your child let me know and I will return them tomorrow. As students sometimes forget things at Saturday School please remember to label your child’s belongings so I can return them if left at Saturday School. I also want to remind you that the new SMIS-English school year starts on 1 April 2023. I hope all of your children plan to return, but if for any reason, except graduation, your child will not return in the summer (April-July 2023) term let me know at your earliest convenience. A final reminder, if your child is applying for entrance to junior high school and needs a reference or supporting letter from SMIS-English let me know the name of the school and I will happily write a reference or support letter.

As always, thank you for your continued support of and participation in the SMIS-English Saturday School programme. One of the highlights of my week is seeing so many of your children happily and excitedly coming into SMIS on Saturday mornings. Have a great evening and I look forward to seeing you and your children tomorrow morning.

Jonathan Bunch
ELS Coordinator

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